Infionix presents:

Course „инсталатор – оптични кабелни мрежи“

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Infionix presents:


още за
Infionix presents:

Тesting and documenting fiber optic cable networks.

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Who we are

Създаването на Инфионикс – академия и инженеринг, идва като отговор на дълги години наблюдение на процесите случващи се в сектора Телекомуникации.
Повишаваме квалификацията на работещите в сферата на оптичните комуникации
En Изработваме съвместно най-доброто решение за Вашата мрежа
Помагаме при изграждането или изцяло изграждаме Вашия проект

Infionix Academy can prepare training courses according to your specific requirements. You can choose a theory for advanced learners, more hours of hands-on exercises, advanced measurement practice, or specific workshops.
Do not hesitate to deploy your imagination to learn more...

Installers – Fiber Optic Networks

This 3-day training is specially created to improve the hands-on skills of field technicians and installers of optical passive devices, wall-mounted boxes, optical closures, and ODF. It gives the students a basic theory needed to better understand the installation process and fieldwork. Also motivates the employees to keep good practices in their work.

Standard +

The best training course that gives deep theoretical pieces of knowledge and very good hands-on skills. Includes theory, practice, and measurement.

Contact us

We develop together the best solution for your network. We approach our tasks with high professionalism and responsibility.
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